For an economy that belongs to all of us.

communia develops strategies for
a democratic economy
We are drawing the contours of an economy that serves us all – because it belongs to us all. Effective co-determination has many forms and levels: from employee-owned companies to democratized public services and (supra-)regional economic and investment councils. The aim is to align our shared economic activity with social justice, ecological sustainability and the satisfaction of everyone’s needs.
In order for the economy to serve the common good instead of increasing private profits, we must all be able to participate in shaping it. That is why we are working together with social movements to transfer private companies and sectors into democratically organized common property geared towards the common good: this is socialization. We develop specific concepts, advise on strategic issues and work together to build a supra-regional socialization movement.
public luxury
Unconditional access to the goods that make our lives possible and beautiful – for everyone: that is public luxury! Mobility, education, housing, fast internet, health and care, culture, parks and swimming pools, healthy food and other things that we all need to live belong in democratically organized public ownership. We will only be able to tackle the climate crisis, inequality and the crisis of democracy through collective prosperity instead of private excess.