Socialization Conference October 2022

From 7-9 October 2022, communia and its partners organized the first socialization conference in Berlin.

Whether it’s the climate catastrophe or global injustice, whether it’s rent madness or the care crisis: property issues are at the root of numerous challenges of the 21st century. Current debates and growing movements for socialization outline the path to a democratic economy that is oriented towards the common good.
That is why we have invited activists, academics, trade unionists, politicians and many more to the conference “Socialization: Strategies for a Democratic Economy” to formulate radical perspectives on the present to realise a better future.
Almost 1500 participants and over 100 speakers contributed to the 2022 Socialization Conference. Following the successful conference, the aim now is to continue working on building a supra-regional socialization movement – inspired by “Expropriate Deutsche Wohnen & Co.” in Berlin.

Press review

The socialization conference was met with a very positive response in the media. We invite you to look back or read up on some particularly interesting articles.

The idea of socialization is back on the political left. This is evidenced by the fact that, according to the organizers, 1,000 young and student listeners gathered in the lecture halls of the Technical University at the weekend to listen to the presentations at the socialization conference, which was held there under the motto “Strategies for a democratic economy”. The declared goal: a “nationwide socialization movement”. “For us, socialization is at the core of a new left-wing politics,” said a spokesperson for the organizing team right at the beginning.

Timm Kühn

on 09.10.2022 in taz - die tageszeitung

A conference like this, which has a completely different horizon than the defense battles of the past decades, gives me hope. I think many people felt that way. But the quiet, realistic tones give me the most hope. […] If we are serious about socialization, we have to be honest about how much power we still have to build up and that democratization is not a sure-fire success. Capital will not simply allow its property to be taken away. The conference was a massive step forward for a socialization movement fighting against corporate power.

Nina Scholz

on 13.10.2022 on Friday

If the socialisation conference itself is to be seen as a manifestation of a post-capitalist society after the transformation, then it is professionally organized, ambitious in terms of content, politically radical and always appreciative of solidarity in a critical dialogue about its own practice. The conference took up central strands of debate in critical science and social movements that have contributed to a renewal of left-wing politics in recent years. Socialization as a focal point was broad and at the same time narrow enough to allow for three days of productive and solidary debate – which is probably one of the central dimensions of a democratized economy.

Tabea Latocha

on 14.10.2022 in the nd.

The Vergesellschaftungskonferenz 2022 provides one of those experiences that have been so rare in the German left in recent decades, the experience that a movement gives more strength than it costs.#vgk2022

bini adamczak (@bini_adamczak)

on October 9, 2022 on Twitter

Video: Eva von Redecker zu Vergesellschaftung

Video: Eva von Redecker zu Vergesellschaftung

"Vergesellschaftung hat das Potenzial, die Welt zu retten. Eine bessere Idee haben wir gar nicht auf dem Tisch." Eva von Redecker Im Vorfeld der Vergesellschaftungskonferenz konnten wir mit der Philosophin und Autorin Eva von Redecker über Enteignung,...

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Vergesellschaftungskonferenz 2022 – Aftermovie

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Vergesellschaftungskonferenz in den Medien

Die Vergesellschaftungskonferenz, die communia mit Partnern vom 7.-9. Oktober in Berlin veranstaltet hat, hat ein sehr positives Echo in den Medien gefunden. Anhand einiger besonders interessanter Beiträge laden wir zum Zurückerinnern oder Nachlesen ein. Die Idee der...

A conference by

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Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)- SFB TRR 294/1-424638267